Drafting a Custom Neck Hole Pattern
This is intended as a kind of add-on to my previous post on how to do a facing. When I've taught the facing class in person we've often done this in class when other people were available to help measure. For years I would search the house looking for random bowls, dishes, or other round-ish objects that looked like they might be the right size for whatever size neck hole I needed at the time. Finally, while putting together my first facing class I decided to come up with a more definite method than " find something round-ish and kinda the right size,squint at funny and trace around it ." And this is what I came up with. This is specifically for a key-hole style neck hole, which is a generally a circular neck hole with a slit down the front (although the slit can go almost anywhere depending on period, style and whim.),and is suitable for many early period tunic style garments